Deanne Daugherty

Deanne Daugherty
RealtorBerkshire Hathaway HomeServices
10109 Ward RoadDunkirk, MD. 20754
Work Phone: (443) 624-0899
Website: My Website
Whether you plan to buy, sell, build, rent or lease out real estate, you can count on Deanne to be a Trusted Advisor and an excellent communicator throughout the transaction and for life. Deanne knows the luxury waterfront market as well the perfect area for folks looking for more space or those ready to downsize. Deanne specializes in first time home buyers and works with many lenders who offer specialty programs with those clients in mind. Additionally, Because of her background in the senior living industry, she has a talent for helping families downsize and can find helpful resources.
Deanne serves clients in all of Southern Maryland including southern Prince Georges and Southern Anne Arundel Counties. You can rely on her to provide you with the advice and information you need.
Deanne also works with local builders and landowners to help buyers build their dream homes!